Sacred Awakenings​
Sacred Awakenings​
Beyond Quantum Healing
Beyond Quantum Healing

Heart-based Consciousness Exploration:
Read More to Discover the Magic of BQH!
Heart-based Consciousness Exploration:
Read More to Discover the Magic of BQH!
Beyond Quantum Healing or (BQH) is a heart-centered, energy-based regression technique that assists clients in deep personal exploration within their own consciousness allowing them to journey through many multi-dimensional layers of themselves, as they become empowered to access the wisdom and healing that they seek from within. This type ​of exploration offers healing and expansion at the quantum level, so healing may occur throughout the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies.
Clients will be lovingly assisted by their Higher Self and individual spirit/healing teams or guides to create the highest potential healing and gain the deepest level of clarity. ​During the session, if guided, your facilitator may also use other types of healing modalities, such as Reiki, for optimal results.
Spirit will assist the practitioner in guiding the client into deep consciousness exploration, as they journey with a sense of relaxed calm feeling safe and cared for. The session is centered around the client’s healing intentions, but sometimes, other areas will be addressed in addition to or instead of the stated intentions.
The Client Preparation Packet and Intake Forms below are sent before the session to be completed and reviewed in a virtual pre-session interview that will be scheduled shortly after the session date is booked. The session fee is $285.00, and both in-person and remote clients should allot for up to four hours for the session itself, which would not include driving time. The Book Today button below will take you to my registration form. Thank you, and I look forward to co-creating beautiful healing outcomes with you!